MedinAction is Coming to Matera!
MedinAction’s English speaking doctors are now arriving in Matera
Interview with dr. Georgiou, founder of Mondo Equilibrio
Dr. Georgiou is a psychologist from the UK who is the founder of Mondo Equilibrio, a company that provides 24/7 counseling and helpline services to students studying abroad in different ...
Technology Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Future is Changing ~ NOW.
Apps Delivering Doctors to Patients Home ~ Access and Delivery of Healthcare Refreshed, Revised, Revolutionized. Over the past decade, we have witnessed technology revolutionize society. Emerging from these technological advancements, ...
Food Allergies in Italy
When traveling in Italy, how do you tell people you a food allergy? And, if you need medical assistance, how do you ask for the necessary medication? Here below is ...
The Polyphenol Low Down
“Polyphenol” is one of those words you may hear thrown around when someone is talking about red wine or maybe dark colored fruits. If you have questioned what a polyphenol ...
What kind of headache do you have?
There is a variety of headaches, from minor pain due stress or intense pain from chronic migraines. Here now is a list of the most common kinds of headaches and ...
Emergency Contraception – The Morning After Pill or Plan B
Emergency contraception or morning after pill is sold in any pharmacy. There are two kinds of pill-form emergency contraception: the morning after pill (la pillola del giorno dopo) sold under ...
Healthy Tips for Italian Travel
Lusty red wines, succulent panforte, sweet gelato, divine pizza, slurpy pasta’s; the list goes on and on. How can one be concerned about health and wellness when surrounded by Italian ...
here are some dehydration warning signs you can be watching for
What is a Certificato Medico sportivo Agonistico and non Agonistico?
In Italy, to participate in a variety of exercise or sporting programs, such as a marathon, scuba diving, or even to acquire a gym membership, you need to present a ...