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  • Where to volunteer in rome

Where to volunteer in Rome

One of the great things about visiting a new place, or moving to a new location, is getting involved with the local community. In Rome, there are a variety of charities and foundations where you ...

  • Races and Sporting Events in Rome and Italy

Races and Sporting Events in Rome and Italy

Every year, dozens of marathons, triathlons, and bike races, both competitive and charity, are hosted around Italy in some of the most beautiful locations in the country. Here now is a list of the most ...

  • How Do You Ask For That At The Pharmacy?

How Do You Ask For That At The Pharmacy?

Getting sick is no fun. Getting sick while abroad is even more unpleasant. Even minor aches, coughs, runny noses, and headaches become more challenging when you must brave the “farmacia” and find something to ease ...

  • best medical apps for traveller

The Best Medical Travel Apps

Here are the best five mobile apps to provide medical support, updates, and other information when you’re traveling around the world.

  • Where to Get a Vaccine in Rome

Where to Get a Vaccine in Rome

Whether you’re here on a study abroad program or engaged in long-term residence, being an expat can sometimes include getting vaccines. International travel, getting older, or flu season can all necessitate getting vaccinations. In general, ...

  • medinaction-housecall-docto

What To Do When You’re Sick In Italy

Navigating any health system can be challenging. Where to go, who to speak to, how to pay, and how to follow-up when you have questions or problems later on is time consuming and complicated enough ...

  • Late night pharmacy Florence

Late Night Pharmacies in Florence

Most pharmacies in Firenze adhere to usual opening and closing times, however there are a number that stay open late. These pharmacies are probably different than what you may be used to at home, so ...


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